
Chao Feng Electric Co., Ltd., Henan

Taught you how to process high frequency furnace site failure

Henan Chao?Feng electrical?based on?long experience,summarizes some?common problems,?and solutions,?for easy troubleshooting?your?high frequency furnace?users.

Below we?summarize some?common?problems of?high frequency furnace:

A?red light,

1,?the lower die?insulation?damage;

2,?work,?vibration cylinder?or?the upper and the lower mould?with dirt,?moisture,?dust?cleaning;

3,?the upper and the lower mould?level?bad;

4,?the upper and the lower mould?without?insulation,?and directly?touch together;

5,?the input power?is too high;

6,?the vacuum tube?damage or?loose;

7,?over?power protection?electronic?board is damaged,?the overcurrent protection?plate?which?has a total of threeelectric?piece;

8,?this?is?too large,?the output?is too high;

9,?the work?is too large,?exceed the rated?output of?the same?machine;

10,?temperature control?part of the fault;

11,?the high voltage capacitor?damage;

12,?an insulating?column?(template)?damage.

Two,?no high-frequency?output

1,?bad switch contact

2,?the fault line

3,?the vacuum tube?failure

Three,?the product?of adverse weld


2,?mold problems

3,?product?(work)?a problem

4,?the insulation?is too thick,?the insulation is too?high

Four,?the high frequency output,?tripping?or burning fuse

1,?the vacuum tube?failure

2,?the transformer fault

3,?a high voltage rectifier?fault

4,?a three-phase?magnetic switch?damage

5,?high voltage?line short?fault

6,?electrothermal?board fault

Here is the solution?to some failures:

Do not start up?a?press the start?button,?the current display?is “0″,?the machine?noise?soon,?for about 5 secondsand?stop automatically.

The 1?inductor two?ring?circuit

The 2 panel?sensor?connector?is loose

3?check?the joint?should be no?tape

4?the equipment fault.

Induction?street?if?nothing,?please contact us.

You can start?with the current?display,?but not?heating,?or heating?is very slow

The 1?inductor two?ring?circuit

Eliminate the short

The high current?flow?alarm,?low current?work

Net?pressure too low

Equipment failure

Check the power supply,?if too?low,

Please use in?small?current


