Below we?list the?relevant calculation formula:
Power =?high frequency induction heating?(heating temperature of?workpiece?material?heat?*?*?weight)?÷?(time *?heating?efficiency of *0.24)
Power =?high frequency?quenching furnace?(depth of quenching?quenching area is?*0.68?*)
The intermediate frequency melting?=?if?capacity?divided by 2
The above?is the conversion,?the high frequency?furnace.However,?some artifacts?only?know the length and theheating radius,?can?know how much?the machine?can do,?this is?my former?engineer?mouth got the?answer:
Bar:?(3.14*r*r*7.85* length)?÷ 1000000=?single
The machine?power?÷?÷ 30KW single =?every heating root number
Sheet?algorithm?length * width *?thickness of *0.00785=sheet?weight
Cylinder, piston rod, the column is one of the most important components in the hydraulic support, is the main component of supporting and bearing the hydraulic support, the anti corrosion ability directly affects the use of the whole hydraulic support. At present, the hydraulic support cylinder domestic coal industry production and maintenance of the outer circle surface of chromium plating technology is widely used for protection, use early good corrosion resistance, but to adapt to the underground environment performance is poor, the chromium plating layer’s fatal weakness is the pore and crack easily cause corrosion, affect the service life of the oil cylinder of hydraulic support, increased maintenance costs, the use of serious will endanger the safety of hydraulic support product.
Its basic principle is to use a certain density of high power laser irradiation of hydraulic cylinder rod, make irradiated bar stainless steel powder coated surface wear area to reach the melting point began to melt. When the laser beam irradiation is stopped when the heating zone, rapid cooling and stainless steel powder solution cooling, the stainless steel powder and melting in a metal cylinder rod outer surface, so that the workpiece surface of remanufacturing repair
Future oriented development, Henan Chao Feng Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. will be more committed to leading the application of advanced technologies, to build the core competitiveness. At present, company based on its own unique inspection means and methods, formulate is actively involved in the laser cladding inspection standards, and strive to develop industry standards, to enhance its competitive strength, improve the competitive threshold, set up the authority of.
]]>The next is the most?attention?Chinese?and even in the worldof a problem,?which is?related to safety and environmental protection.?Firstly,?high frequency furnace?is electricity,?do not burn coal,?zero emission,?no pollution,?second,electricity consumption?can be as high as fifty percent,?butafter?the evaluation,?reliability.?Third,?heating?quicklyheating speed is?less than a second,?so that the speed ofelectric charges?are difficult?to.
Next is the?practical?analysis: quick start,?no need of preheating?after opening.?Convenient installation,?because everything?is?prepared,?and?convenient to move,?because?the weight of the machine itself?and?not.?Small size,?does not occupy space.
]]>High frequency furnace?heating field?in?metallurgy?industry?is a new?energy saving technology.?The?induction heating technology?of high frequency induction heating power supply?and high frequency?heating machine?progress,?has been?on the metal material?heating?efficiency is the highest,?fastest,?and?low energy consumption?and environmental protection.?Especially high frequency?heating?machine,?fast heating speed,?high energy utilization rate,?energy saving and environmental protection advantages?known.?High frequency heating?machine?has beenapplied to the?thermal processing,?high frequency?heat treatment furnace,?hot assembly?and?high frequency weldingprocess.
High frequency induction heating power supply,?high frequency heating?machine?is?more and more popular,?because they?can not only direct?heating?of?metal,?can also be used for?indirectheating on?non?metal.?Not only can?the workpiece?is heated locally,?but also on the?local annealing?or?tempering.?So theapplication of high frequency?induction heating power supplytechnology will?in all walks of life?will be?more and more widely.?Thus,?development?prospects will be?high frequency induction heating power supply,?high frequency heating?machine,high frequency furnace,?high frequency welding?technique is?a good.
High frequency furnace?heating field?in recent years,?as the global?in the promotion of?energy saving and environmental protection,?high frequency furnace,?heating?furnace,?superaudio?quenching?machine,?intermediate frequency,?high frequency,?ultra?audio?equipment is also?followed,?vigorously develop?the energy saving and environmental protection.?Energy saving and emission reduction?in China in recent years isconsistent,?and international?organizations?advocate?reduce pollution?and energy consumption,?for the people of the worldand our offspring?generation after generation of descendantsfor the benefit of the?concept of environmental protection.?InChina?this large complex?thin?country,?we must increase ourenergy-saving emission reduction,?environmental protectionconsciousness,?can?for the future of our?human benefit.
]]>High frequency furnace?structure
High frequency induction heating power supply?maintenance?work to be?organized,?planned,?everything in good order and well arranged?for the.?Plan?according to the specific conditionssuit one’s measures to local conditions?make,?for example: in the?high frequency induction heating power supply,?high frequency heating?machine,?high frequency welding machine,high-frequency heating?equipment,?non?water softening?equipment for?electronic?tube anode?cooling water?to use?it,?but alsomust be regularly?to remove scale?electronic?tube anode.?How long?cleaning time?is the best??According to the?conditions of water quality,?water?temperature,?local?anode?scale formingspeed and decide.
We want to ensure that in the?high frequency induction heating power supply,?each of the?maintenance of the?high-frequency heating?machine,?high frequency furnace?projects such as thecontent,?methods,?and?tools used,?required objectives,maintenance?cycle and?staff,?should have?specific provisions.And a special?maintenance records,?earnestly implement?the.
Regular maintenance?can be divided into:?class?maintenance,Zhou Weihu,?monthly maintenance?and?half?year?maintenance?at different stages of the?maintenance program.?The?prone to problems of the place,?we should strengthen the?maintenance,for example: the maintenance of?AC contactor?components of this type.?Such as?AC contactor?elements?at work,?vibration?is relatively large,?easy to loose?screws,?contact?is easily burnt out;?so the?maintenance?cycle to be?relatively?short.?But?the old?equipment?cooling?water and wind,?there’s not a moment to stop,?each class?should check.?Like this kind of?element?is?not suitable for?half year maintenance,?half year maintenancerefers to the?relative?maintenance cycle?longer,?the deviceelements larger.
From the above?we?can clearly know,?all kinds of?equipment maintenance?work is very important.?Only through?the daily maintenance work,?we?can make?the maintenance personnel on?all aspects of the technical?data of?equipment?have a full understanding.?For example:?when the total?pressure of coolingwater?in accordance with the provisions?of the?equipment,?the hopper?shunt?flow of cooling water?should be documented,?for the?Japanese?comparison?work.
]]>From an environmental point of view, the high frequency furnace heating equipment, using a non polluting power, and can save 50% power than the power. No exhaust pollution, energy saving and environmental protection is the largest customer demand.
Modern popular a kind of metal machining equipment is high frequency heating furnace. High frequency heating furnace is referred to as the high frequency furnace, recognized and widely used in the metal forging and molding. Companies are aware of in order to achieve good performance in metal products to processing equipment configured, so each metal processing enterprises have the necessary high frequency heating furnace. High frequency furnace with its heating efficiency is the highest, the fastest speed, low consumption of energy and environmental protection and a series of characteristics and ahead of processing industry.
In addition, the high-frequency heating furnace in copper processing products, some important aspects must be pay attention to, one of the most important parameters for the liquid copper temperature smelting production process. It is closely related with the melt physical, chemical reaction, copper liquid boiling important operating data base composition adjustment period, marking the end is in the smelting process. When the copper liquid composition adjustment due to content, cracks and cracks will greatly reduce the copper processing products. The optical pyrometer, insertion type thermocouple intermittent measurement of liquid copper temperature or current meter indication to determine copper liquid temperature, meets the requirements of power frequency electric furnace smelting production process. High and low temperature sometimes, unable to grasp the copper liquid temperature conditions. Therefore to provide a reliable, accurate and continuous measurement of copper liquid temperature control, and according to the temperature deviation. To meet the process requirements, it is necessary to eliminate the artificial factors. To the development of metal processing industry for high frequency heating furnace.
]]>Super Feng Electrical
The new year has?passed,?we?have embarked on a?2014,?a new year,will be?a new beginning.?Yinianzhiji is spring,?Henan Chao?Feng electrical?Our wills unite like a fortress.,?determined to makebetter achievements in the?new year.?So far,?Henan?Feng electrical,?high-frequency?furnace?sales problems,?made a?plan.
1,?the use of?Baidu?promotion strategy.?Baidu?promotion is avery?costly?a?promotion,?the use of appropriate?to get the bestprofit.?While the use of?insufficient?funds?is?increasing,?this is?passed?over in one’s mind?choice,?be sure to make the?effect.
2,?website,?,?enrich the content,?not the pursuitof?gorgeous?website,?it is?content?to the need of the customers,the?Henan super?Feng electrical?website?into?a?high frequency furnace?industry.
3,?in cooperation with?most of the B2B?site,?a full range ofproduct coverage,?widely released?updated articles,?allow customers to?quickly understand?very sharp.
Henan Chao?Feng electrical equipment?limited company,?dedicated to?customer service,?customer returns,?unremittingly,?innovative spirit.?In 2014,?super?Feng who?must do better.
]]>A,?holiday time
From January 23, 2014 to?February 8, 2014,?a total of 15 days.?(because of work requirements,?the production department?staff work time?for February 6, 2014).
In two,?the matters needing attention
During the holiday,?please?pay attention to the personal safety,?and returns on time.?In the case of?non-human reasoncan not?return on time,?please?ask for leave?to the competent?department in a timely manner.
]]>High frequency furnace?360KW production?difficulties in where?
As we all know,?the general?high frequency furnace?is 16KWto 120KW.?While?above 160KW,?completely?replaced by?medium frequency furnace.?In the frequency?of low frequency,?islong?to reach?a very high?temperature?time required.?Whilehigh frequency furnace?general?sit to?360KW,?because thefrequency is too high,?not?their own internal?heating metal,?but?burned or?destroyed.?This is?a?hard?problem.
360KW ultra?audio frequency?furnace?is a?large-scale machinery?and?machine tools,?can be?installed together,also can?use single.?Application scope,?smelting,quenching,?annealing,?surface?bluing?and a series of?use.Its biggest advantage is,?the heating speed is very fast,and?the induction coil?rationing?more?complete,?can only be used before?the furnace?operation.
This technology will?become a?major turning point in?high frequency furnace?industry!
]]>So then,?let?Henan Chao?Feng electrical equipment?limited company?to talk about?high frequency?furnace?in the process of using?high frequency furnace?using defect?often?appears in the process?and?make up?method.
Prevention?measures:?the pinhole?is strictly prohibited the use of?contaminated casting aluminum alloy material,?stained with organic compounds and be serious?oxidation corrosion ofmaterials.?Controlling the melting?process,?strengthen thedegassing.?Control of metal?coating?thickness,?too thick easy generation pinhole.?Mold temperature?is too?high,?thecooling?measures on?thick walled?casting parts,?such ascopper inlaid?block?or watering?etc..?When the strict control of sand water,?try to use?dry core.
2,?containing pores
Prevention of the pores?produce measures:?modify the?gating system?is not?reasonable,?the liquid flow smoothly,?avoid gas involved in.?The mould and?cores should be preheated in advance,?after paint,?after the end must be baked?through can be used.?Design moulds and cores?should consider enough exhaust measures.
3,?oxide inclusion
Prevention of?oxide inclusion?measures:
Strict control of melting process,?fast melting,?reduce oxidation,?slag?thoroughly.?Al-Mg?alloy?must be covered under the melting agent.?Furnace,?tools to clean,?there shall be no?oxide,?and should be preheated,?paint coating should be used after drying.?The design of the gating systemmust have a steady flow,?buffer,?skimming?ability.?The tilt gating system,?so that the liquid flow?stability,?does not produce?two oxidation.?The selection of coating adhesion strength?stronger,?pouring process does not produce spallingand formed into casting slag.
4,?heat cracking
To prevent?hot cracking?measures:?the actual gating systemshould prevent local?overheating,?reducing internal stress.Mould?and core?inclination?must ensure that?in?more than 2 °,?pouring?a?solidified by the?can?core?mold,?when necessary?use sand?core to replace the?metal core.?Control of?coating?thickness,?make casting parts?cooling?speed.According to the?thickness of the choice?of mold temperatureappropriate.?Microstructure refinement of?alloy,?improving the heat crack ability.?Improvement?of casting structure,eliminating?angle?and wall thickness of?mutation,?reduce thehot cracking tendency.
Prevention of?osteoporosis:?reasonable?measures?of riser setting,?ensure the solidification,?and the?feeding capacity.?Lower the metal mould appropriate temperature.Control?of coating thickness,?thick?wall?thinning.?Adjust the metal type?of each part of the cooling?speed,?a?chilling ability?greatly?make the?castings with thick section.Reduced metal pouring temperature.
The use of?high frequency?furnace?process?in the?problem,?can be avoided,?mostly because?details of the deal?caused by improper.?Hope that the majority of?customers in the use of?high frequency furnace?in strict accordance with the?law?in the use of?the use of?high frequencyfurnace.
This can increase the?maximum?workpiece quality?and?high frequency furnace?service life.?Henan Chao?Feng?wish the new and old customersBusiness Flourishes